Our products also include the species above which represent incidental catch from other target fisheries.
Fishing Focus
Approximately 85% of North Star Fishing Co.’s production is sole and flounder caught in the Bering Sea. This consists primarily of yellowfin sole, rock sole, flathead sole, Alaska plaice and arrowtooth flounder.
Product Type
Our vessels produce mainly Headed and Gutted (H&G) product. It is Frozen-at-Sea (FAS), block frozen, packaged in paper/polylined bags. Net weight per case is 19.0 kg or 16.0 kg depending on the vessel.
Multispecies Fishery
Our vessels participate in a truly multi-species fishery. We keep what we catch. With a retention rate of over 90%, discards are limited. At various times of the year (generally in the summer months), small quantities of the species shown on the left are available.